Best Design Dental Care

Sinus Lift

Sinus Lift

Dentist in Bradenton, FL

A sinus lift is a specialized dental procedure aimed at augmenting the bone density in the maxillary sinus area of the upper jaw. This involves lifting the sinus membrane and placing bone graft material underneath it to create a stable foundation for dental implants. Sinus lifts are commonly performed when there is insufficient bone height or density to support dental implants in the posterior region of the upper jaw.

Benefits for the Patient:

Common Procedures :
The sinus lift procedure typically involves the following steps:

Preoperative Evaluation

The dentist or oral surgeon conducts a thorough examination, including dental imaging (such as panoramic X-rays or CT scans), to assess the bone density and sinus anatomy and plan the surgical approach.

Surgical Access and Sinus Elevation

During the procedure, a small incision is made in the gum tissue to expose the underlying bone. A small window is then created in the bone, and the sinus membrane is gently lifted upward, creating a space for the bone graft material.

Bone Graft Placement

Bone graft material, usually derived from the patient’s own bone (autogenous graft), a donor source (allograft), or synthetic materials (alloplastic graft), is then placed into the space created beneath the lifted sinus membrane. This bone graft material serves as a scaffold for new bone formation.

Closure and Healing

Once the bone graft is placed, the incision is sutured closed, and the area is allowed to heal. Over time, the bone graft material integrates with the existing bone, promoting new bone growth and increasing bone volume in the sinus area.
At Best Design Dental Care, we are committed to providing our patients with personalized and advanced dental treatments like sinus lifts to address complex oral health issues effectively. With our expertise and patient-centered approach, we can help you achieve optimal bone volume and pave the way for successful dental implant placement, restoring your smile and confidence for years to come.
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